31 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 31

God of all time,
As another year ends we thank you for all that we have
experienced this year. We thank you for being with us
through the good and the bad. We trust that you will guide us in
the new year ahead just as you have guided us in the past.
Thank you for always providing our needs. Bless this food
that it may strengthen us to serve you as best as we are able.


30 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 30

Our gracious God, we bow our heads
to thank you for our daily bread,
as well as all the gifts we see
around us that have come from thee.


29 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 29

Dear Lord,
Thank you for blessing us and keeping us. Thank you
for being gracious to us and granting us peace. Thank you
for providing our needs each day and
loving us beyond compare.


28 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 28

God of light,
As brightly as the sun shines at noon,
so may your love shine in the way we live our lives.
Thank you for your blessings given so freely.
Bless this meal as our bodies are nourished to serve you.


27 December, 2009


December 27

Dear God,
You've given us the land and seas;
we can't just use them as we please,
for if we are not careful, Lord,
we'll use them till they are no more.
So help us not to waste, while living,
all the good things we've been given,
including what is on this table.
Please bless it, God, as you are able.


26 December, 2009


December 26

Unchanging God,
We are blessed to live in a country where
we have much. Give us hearts of love, that
we may share with those who have little.
For this food, and for this time to share it
together, we thank you.


25 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 25

God of new births,
In the birth of Jesus you have come to us
and given us the greatest gift we could know-
the gift of yourself among mankind. May we show
our thanks for that gift by following the example
Jesus gave of how to live. For all of our abundance,
including this meal, we thank you. In the laughter
and words we share may we feel the presence
of the newborn baby among us. In his name we pray,


24 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 24

God of all gifts,
We wait with excitement on this holy night to hear that
Jesus is born. May we be more excited to receive the
gift of love he brings than we are to open the packages
we will receive. Bless this meal. Bless those that have given
of themselves to prepare it for us. Open our hearts to
make room for the Christ Child, in whose name we pray.


23 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 23

Renewing God,

As this food restores our strength, may your grace
revive our souls. As this drink flows down our throats,
may your peace flow through every fiber of our being.
And may our love for you increase within us
and be made known to others in all that we do.


22 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 22

Can be sung to the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle little star"

God, we thank you for this food,
and for everything you do
to make all our lives so blessed,
health and home and sleep to rest.
Bless this meal and grant us peace.
May your blessings never cease.

21 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 21

God of life,
We praise you for the joys and blessings of every day-
the love of family, the fellowship of friends, pets to
lift our spirits, food to eat and water to drink, and especially
for your love shown to us through the life of Jesus Christ.
Bless this food that it may allow us to continue living
in service to you.


20 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 20

Sovereign God,
There is no other God but you. You made us
and you give us all we need. Your love will never end.
Thank you, Father. Bless this food which we eat.


19 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 19

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for the gifts you give:
our food, our home, our health, the air
we breathe each day so we can live.


18 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 18

God of warmth,
Thank you for sheltering us in your love.
Thank you for our physical shelters that protect
us from the weather. May we act, in some small way,
to help those who have no shelter. Bless this food,
that it may warm and strengthen our bodies.


17 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 17

Gracious God,
Bless this home and all within it.
Be present with us as we share
this meal, and our lives, with each other.


16 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 16

Gracious God, we humbly bow
our heads in thanks to you
for life, for health, for daily bread,
for all are gifts from you.
Be with us as we share this meal,
and bless each person here.
Be also with our loved ones who
are scattered far or near.


15 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 15

God of love,
You bless us with far more than we deserve,
and love us no matter what we do. Thank you.
Use this food to nourish us so we may show our
love for you by loving others.


14 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 14

The earth is yours O God, and everything in it,
for you have made it.* Thank you for this food,
which comes from your earth. Thank you, too,
for all the blessings of your creation.


* See Psalm 24:1-2

13 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 13

God of all,
Thank you for this food. Thank you, also, for
those who work to bring us different foods
from other lands so that we may enjoy a pleasing variety
of all you have put on this earth. Bless them in
their work and in their lives.


12 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 12

O God, who blesses us each day
with life and love and daily food,
accept these words we offer now
to you in deepest gratitude.


11 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 11

Creator God,
The rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth,
so that the earth yields seed for the grower and
food for the eater.* Thank you for your life-giving
water and food.


* See Isaiah 55:10

10 December, 2009


December 10

O gracious God,
you give us love
and food and so much more.
And so we thank
you, and your name
we worship and adore.


09 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 9

Caring God,
Many times you provide our needs through
the actions of others. Thank you for the people
in our lives that care for us and help us.
Bless them, and bless this food that we, too,
may help others.


08 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 8

Dear God,
Thank you for this physical food to fill our bellies.
Thank you for the spiritual food we get from your word,
from the teachings of the church, from prayer,
and from the example of Jesus' life. May we hunger
and thirst for you as much as we do for food and drink.


07 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 7

Gracious God,
Cool, clear water quenches our thirst;
your love refreshes our soul.
Food to eat keeps our bodies strong.
Thank you for keeping us whole.


06 December, 2009


December 6

God of majesty,
you bless us with all we need.
Now, please bless this food
and strengthen us that we
may be a blessing to others.


05 December, 2009

04 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 4

Dear God,
The sun, the rain, the bounty of
the earth are gifts from you.
We thank you, Lord, for everything
and pray you'll bless this food.


03 December, 2009


December 3

Gracious God, giver of all good things,
we are thankful for all that is on this table.
May we eat only enough to renew our bodies
for your service. And may we find more joy in the
spiritual nourishment that fills our minds
than we do in the food that fills our bodies.



02 December, 2009


Eternal God,
Our strength for today and our bright hope for tomorrow
come from you. Your goodness has no end. Thank you
for your unending care. Bless this food that keeps us living for today.


18 November, 2009

Grace continues

November 18

The crops are harvested; the fields are bare once again.
Thank you for giving us the knowledge to preserve food
to sustain us through the long, cold winter. Thank you, too,
that we can get food from warmer places around the world.
Bless this food, wherever it came from.


16 November, 2009

Unending Grace

November 16

Loving God,
Thank you for this food. Bless it and the ones who
prepared it. May we share your love and forgiveness
with everyone we meet.


15 November, 2009

Grace continues

November 15

Giving God,
All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above.
So we praise you, Lord, and thank you for
all that you do in love.


13 November, 2009


November 13

Good Shepherd,
You lead us by streams of living water,
and feed us with food from heaven as well as from earth.
Thank you for your gifts, given with grace and mercy.


12 November, 2009

Grace continues

November 12

Thank you, God, for feeding us
with this food from the earth.
Thank you for the joys that bring
us happiness and mirth.
Thank you, God, especially
for loving us from birth.


11 November, 2009

Grace continues

November 11

God of peace,
We thank you for the men and women who fought in the past,
and for those who continue to defend our country today.
We are grateful for all they have done to preserve our freedom.
Bless this food, and may it nourish us to help others.
We pray in the name of Jesus, who gave his life for our eternal freedom.


09 November, 2009


November 9

Powerful God,
We may think we provide our own needs, but it is
your air we breathe, your sun that warms us,
your rain that waters the earth, and your creation
from which we are fed. Thank you for sharing
them with us and feeding us with your food.


03 November, 2009


November 3

Can be sung to the tune of "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain"

God, you love us and we come to you in praise
for this food and all you give us every day.
God, you love us and you always
bless us with the rain and sun rays.
God, please bless this food and strengthen us today.

30 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 30

We thank you for your gifts, O Lord,
that fill our lives each day.
Now may the way we live our lives
please you in every way.


29 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 29

Merciful God,
You love us and care for us and protect us
more than we know. Thank you. Bless this food
that comes from the earth you created.


28 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 28

Let us give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and wonderful deeds, for he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.


Based on Psalm 107:8-9

27 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 27

Dear God,
There are only so many different ways
that we can word our heartfelt praise
for your great blessings all our days.
But we can show our gratitude
for life and health and daily food
by loving others and following you.


26 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 26

God of happiness,
In the chatter and laughter around this table
come to us and bless us with your presence.
Bless, too, this food that we share.


25 October, 2009


October 25

You have blessed us with a bountiful earth
and brains inside our heads. May we use both of them
wisely so all people have enough to eat.
Thank you for this food, and for the strength
it gives us to help others.


21 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 21

Dear God,
Thank you for sunshine that brightens our days.
Thank you for food and for your loving ways.
Thank you for family, the joys that we share.
Thank you for keeping us, God, in your care.


20 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 20

May the abundance on this table, God,
remind us of how much we already have
so that the only thing we want more of is
closeness with you, the giver of all things.


19 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 19

Living God,
Bless this food we eat.
Nourish us to serve you.
Thank you for your love.


18 October, 2009


October 18

We thank you for this time to share
a meal with those for whom we care.
Please bless this food and may it give
us strength to serve you as we live.


17 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 17

Creator God,
All creatures of this earth, from ant to elephant, bird to whale,
are fed from the abundance you provide. Help us to trust
that you will provide our needs, too. Thank you
for this food that we now eat.


15 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 15

Energizing God,
Our bodies are eager for this food.
Thank you for it, and for the nourishment it gives us.


14 October, 2009


October 14

Gracious God,
We shall eat and be satisfied for you have been kind to us.
We thank you and praise your name.


13 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 13

Awesome God,
Thank you for this time that we can enjoy a meal together.
As we share our words and thoughts we pray that what we say
will be pleasing to you. Increase our love for each other and for you.


12 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 12

Dear God,
For food and drink that satisfies
us day and night and in between;
for lovely earth and spacious skies
that all around us can be seen;
for your dear son who did his part
that everyone might know your love;
we thank you, God, with all our heart
for all your gifts sent from above.


10 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 10

Dear God,
Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the world
had enough food to eat? May we be willing to
sacrifice some of our extras and give generously
so that others can have food every day. Thank you
for blessing us, Lord, so that we can be a blessing to others.


09 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 9

We love you, Lord, and thank you for
this food we soon will eat.
Your gracious love from up above
makes living life so sweet.


08 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 8

Holy God,
Because of your great love we have been given life.
Because of your abundant blessings we continue to live.
Because of our faith we have the promise of eternal life.
We praise you for all you do and give.


07 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 7

Gracious Father,
As your blessings fill our lives so may your love
fill us and overflow to those around us.
Thank you for this food.
Bless it and those that have prepared it.


06 October, 2009


October 6

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for your loving care.
Be with us as this meal we share.
May your love be known everywhere.


05 October, 2009

October 5

Just as simple foods are often more satisfying
than gourmet delicacies, so may we desire
the simple joys of life more than fancy luxuries
that many times leave us empty and wanting more.
Bless this simple meal that will fill us and satisfy our needs.


04 October, 2009

October 4

Loving God,
We praise you for your goodness to us.
You created the earth with many things
for us to eat. You care for us through
family and friends. Bless this food,
and all those here who share it.


02 October, 2009


October 2

Creator God,
You have made us and we are yours. You care
for us and feed us as a shepherd cares for his sheep.
We praise your name and ask that you bless this food
we are about to eat.


01 October, 2009


October 1

Rich God,
If we have food in the fridge, a roof over our heads,
and clothes in the closet, we are better off
than many people in the world. May we be content
with what we have. And may we not put our hope in
wealth but in you, who provides us with everything
for our enjoyment, including this food.


30 September, 2009

Unending Grace

September 30

Patient God,
We are thankful for times like this
to enjoy good food and to get to know
those we love a little better. May we always
find time in our lives for those we love.
Bless this meal, and may sharing it
make the bonds of love between us grow stronger.


29 September, 2009

September 29

Dear God,
For cozy homes and families sweet,
for tasty foods we like to eat,
for all your love, and much more, too,
we give our thanks, O God, to you.


28 September, 2009

September 28

For the sun that warms the earth, for the rain
that waters the ground, for the miracle of life
from a tiny seed, for the farmer that works hard
to provide food, for all of this and so much more,
we thank you, God, and praise your name.


27 September, 2009


September 27

Kind God,
Thank you for this food and for all the blessings
you give us. May we pass your blessings on
to others by obeying your command to
love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

In the name of Christ, who loves everyone,

See Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:31, & Romans 13:9

26 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 26

Loving God,
Your gifts to us are all around,
we see them everywhere:
the sun, the rain, the grass, the trees,
the birds within the air,
our health, our life, our daily bread.
You've blessed us with so much.
We thank you, God, for all your gifts
and for your loving touch.


25 September, 2009

September 25

Compassionate God,
Thank you for your blessings to us.
May we truly believe that our blessings
should be shared with those who have little.
Use this food to strengthen us
to serve the poor and needy.


24 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 24

Puffy clouds float overhead,
gentle breezes sway.
You give us our daily bread
each and every day.
Thank you for the wonders, Lord,
we see all around.
May the memory of your Word
within us be found.


23 September, 2009


September 23

Gracious God,
Thank you that we always have plenty of food to eat.
Some might say we have more than others
because we are not so lazy. It could just be
that life has been more kind to us,
or we were lucky enough to be born
in a better place. Whatever the reason,
God, may we do our best to share our wealth
with those who are poor, as we pray
for the day when all who hunger will be filled.


22 September, 2009


September 22

Loving God,
The birds of the air, the creatures of the sea,
and the animals of the fields are all taken care of
and fed by you. You provide so much more for us,
your children whom you love. Thank you,
Father, for your love and care.

All God's children say together:

21 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 21

Your gracious help is needed, God,
much more than we like to admit.
Without your gifts of food and drink
and air our lives would quickly quit.
We thank you, God, and pray you'll bless
this meal that's right here where we sit.


20 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 20

We praise you,Lord,for your many blessings.
You flood us with your love and compassion.
You satisfy our hunger with good things
and renew our strength. You treat us
far better than we deserve.
Thank you,God,for all these things.


Based on Psalm 103

19 September, 2009


September 19

Dear God,
You make the sun shine warm and bright
to grow the crops for our delight.
And so, dear Lord, we bow our head
to thank you for our daily bread.


18 September, 2009

Continuing Grace

September 18

We thank you for the blessings, Lord,
that come from your strong hands of love.
Our daily bread, our home, our world
are gifts to us from you above.


17 September, 2009

September 17

Powerful God,
With rays of sun and drops of rain you cause
trees to bear fruit, fields to bring forth grain,
grass to grow, and flowers to bloom.
Thank you for the endless cycle of your creation,
and for the food it provides to keep us living.


16 September, 2009

Unending Grace

September 16

Praise be to you, O Lord, for you
watch over us every day. Thank you
for being with us wherever we go.
Thank you for this food. Bless it
and strengthen us to serve you.


15 September, 2009


September 15

Dear God,
For our daily bread and food,
and for all the things you do,
we give all our thanks to you.


14 September, 2009


September 14

Patient God,
We thank you that we can take the time
to sit down and enjoy this meal together.
Remind us to slow down and enjoy life
more often. Bless this food that we share.


13 September, 2009

September 13

God of goodness,
The food that enters our mouths is good to taste.
Thank you for it. May the words that come out
of our mouths be just as pleasant.


12 September, 2009


September 12

Good God,
Words cannot fully express
our deepest heartfelt thankfulness,
but words are not the only way
to thank you for your gifts each day.
May the way in which we live
be the thanks for all you give.


11 September, 2009


September 11

Gracious God,
We thank you for all of your blessings,
especially the gift of life. Bless those who risk
their lives to help or protect others. Shelter
them in your care, and surround them with
your angels of protection. Bless this food
and use it to nourish us in order to serve you.


10 September, 2009

Unending Grace

September 10

Dear God,
Thank you for the stars above.
Thank you for the ones we love.
Thank you for your love so sweet.
Thank you for this food we eat.


09 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 9

Generous God,
Thank you for the abundance of grain, fruits,
vegetables, and meat, which you have provided
for our food. Bless those who harvest the fields,
pick the crops, work on farms, and fish the waters
to satisfy our needs.


08 September, 2009


September 8

Giving God,
We thank you for being so good to us.
Thank you for shelter to protect us.
Thank you for air to breathe to keep us alive.
Thank you for food to eat and beverages to drink.


06 September, 2009


September 6

God, we love you and we praise you,
and with joy our voice we raise to
thank you for this food we eat.
Be with us around this table.
Then, as much as we are able,
may we share your love so sweet.


05 September, 2009

September 5

God of grace,
Bless this food we are about to eat,
which comes to us out of your goodness.
May we always be thankful
for what you lovingly provide.


04 September, 2009


September 4

Loving God,
We come to this table thanking you
for this food and drink that will satisfy
our hunger and thirst. We praise you
for Jesus, who satisfies the hunger
and thirst within our souls.


03 September, 2009

Unending Grace

September 3

God of grace, we seek your face
as we gather in this place.
Bless this food, and bless us, too.
May we live to worship you.


02 September, 2009

Grace continues

September 2

Gracious God,
The tiniest seed, when cared for properly,
produces much fruit. May that wonder of
your creation remind us that every deed we do,
no matter how small, might cause love to grow
in the hearts of others.
Thank you for this food. Bless those whose good
deeds provided it for us.


01 September, 2009

Unending Grace

September 1

Loving God,
For sun and rain and earth and sky,
for animals, and birds that fly,
for food to eat and water to drink,
for times to play and times to think,
for everything that cheers our days,
we thank you, Lord, and give you praise.


31 August, 2009

Grace continues

August 31

Dear God,
For this food to make us strong,
we thank you from our heart.
May we never, our whole life long,
from your love depart.


30 August, 2009

Grace continues

August 30

God of grace,
You are so generous to us with your love
and blessings, including this food.
Help us to be generous to others,
giving what we can to make their lives better.


29 August, 2009

Grace continues

August 29

O God above, you send the rain
to water all our fruit and grain.
You make the sun shine warm and bright
to grow the crops for our delight.
The flowing field, the babbling brook,
your gifts are everywhere we look.
And so, dear Lord, we bow our head
to thank you for our daily bread,
as well as all the gifts we see
around us that have come from thee.


28 August, 2009


August 28

God of mercy,
With love in our hearts we praise you
for your goodness to us.
We are so blessed to have you in our lives
loving us, protecting us, guiding us,
and providing for us.
Bless this food we now eat.


27 August, 2009


August 27

Gracious God,
Sunlight's radiant beams, fields of golden wheat,
streams flowing through green pastures - surrounded
by the wonders of your creation we cannot help but
be reminded of you, and give thanks for all you give.
Bless this food, and bless us to your service.


26 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 26

We thank you, God, for all your love,
your mercy, and your grace.
We thank you, too, for all your gifts
to every land and race.
And now we thank you for this food
we put upon our plates.


25 August, 2009

Grace continues

August 25

Lord, our God,
May we always worship you,
that your blessing will be on our food and drink.


See Exodus 23:25

24 August, 2009

Unending Grace: Mealtime Prayers for Every Day of the Year

August 24

We come to you in praise, O God,
for you do marvelous deeds.
You feed us from the fruit and grain
that grow from tiny seeds.
Your power is amazing, God,
your blessings overflow.
Forever may your name be praised
above and here below.


23 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 23

Your love is sweeter than honey, and your goodness
satisfies us more than any food could.
Thank you for filling us with your love
and with this food.


22 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 22

O gracious Lord, may we not grumble
about the food that we've been given,
for when our stomachs growl and rumble,
the food we eat helps keep us living.


20 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 20

Giving God,
When the sunshine warms our face we are reminded
of the warmth of your love.
When the rain refreshes the earth we are reminded
of your showers of blessings.
When we sit down to satisfy our hunger we are reminded
that all we have comes from you.
Thank you for bringing joy to our lives
in so many ways.


19 August, 2009

Grace Continues

August 19

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for the gifts you give:
our food, our home, our health, the air
we breathe each day so we can live.
And as we live within this world,
may all our words and deeds be kind,
so others know we love you, Lord,
with all our heart and strength and mind.


15 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 15

God, we worship you with gladness, for you have
made us and we are your people. You feed us
and care for us as a shepherd cares for the sheep
of his pasture. We thank you and praise your name
for you are good and your love endures forever.


Based on Psalm 100

14 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 14

Dear God,
Thank you for the sun that warms us
and for the rain that waters the earth.
Thank you for this food.


13 August, 2009

Grace Continues

August 13

Dear God, for all the things you give,
for food we eat to help us live,
we thank you, and we pray you'll bless
our lives with love and happiness.


12 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 12

May we not be so concerned with our own needs
that we fail to see the needs of others -
in our neighborhood, in our church,
even in our family.
Thank you for fulfilling our needs with this food.


11 August, 2009

Grace Continues

Dear God,
We praise you for another day of life blessed with your generous gifts.
We thank you for this meal, for the pleasure of eating it,
and for the nourishment it gives us.


10 August, 2009

Unending Grace

August 10

Can be sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"

God of love and God of grace,
now we come to you in praise,
thanking you for all you give:
family, friends, and food to live.
Bless this meal and help us be
folks who serve you faithfully.

09 August, 2009

grace continues

Great God,
We raise our voices in praise to you for all the blessings you give.
The fields yield grain and the gardens bring forth fruit
in response to the sun and rain and work of human hands.
Thank you.
Please bless this food we are about to eat.


08 August, 2009

unending grace

Everlasting God,
Like the waves of an ocean your love never stops.
Day after day your blessings wash over us,
enriching our lives. Thank you for this meal.
May we live each day in worship of you.


06 August, 2009

grace continues

Dear God,
For eyes to see, ears to hear,
for mouths to speak and chew,
for this food and all your gifts,
we give our thanks to you.


05 August, 2009

unending grace

Merciful God,
This grace we offer in thanks for our meal can not compare
to the grace with which you forgive us so freely and lovingly.
Accept our thanks for your grace and this food.


04 August, 2009

grace continues

We thank you, God, for loving us
and for your grace so sweet.
Now we pray you'll bless this food
that we're about to eat.


03 August, 2009

grace continues

Almighty God,
You have blessed the earth with abundance to fulfill our needs.
Bless those who work to provide our food,
and grant them good health and good weather.

01 August, 2009

grace continues

O God,
Everyone knows your name. May we always say it
with reverence and respect, not when we are
angry or surprised, for you deserve to be honored.
We honor you now for your goodness to us,
and we thank you for this food.

31 July, 2009

grace begins

August 1, 2009

Dear Master and Creator,
Everything in this bountiful land
was given to us from your powerful hand.
For all of our blessings we thank you.