30 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 30

We thank you for your gifts, O Lord,
that fill our lives each day.
Now may the way we live our lives
please you in every way.


29 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 29

Merciful God,
You love us and care for us and protect us
more than we know. Thank you. Bless this food
that comes from the earth you created.


28 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 28

Let us give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
and wonderful deeds, for he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.


Based on Psalm 107:8-9

27 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 27

Dear God,
There are only so many different ways
that we can word our heartfelt praise
for your great blessings all our days.
But we can show our gratitude
for life and health and daily food
by loving others and following you.


26 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 26

God of happiness,
In the chatter and laughter around this table
come to us and bless us with your presence.
Bless, too, this food that we share.


25 October, 2009


October 25

You have blessed us with a bountiful earth
and brains inside our heads. May we use both of them
wisely so all people have enough to eat.
Thank you for this food, and for the strength
it gives us to help others.


21 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 21

Dear God,
Thank you for sunshine that brightens our days.
Thank you for food and for your loving ways.
Thank you for family, the joys that we share.
Thank you for keeping us, God, in your care.


20 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 20

May the abundance on this table, God,
remind us of how much we already have
so that the only thing we want more of is
closeness with you, the giver of all things.


19 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 19

Living God,
Bless this food we eat.
Nourish us to serve you.
Thank you for your love.


18 October, 2009


October 18

We thank you for this time to share
a meal with those for whom we care.
Please bless this food and may it give
us strength to serve you as we live.


17 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 17

Creator God,
All creatures of this earth, from ant to elephant, bird to whale,
are fed from the abundance you provide. Help us to trust
that you will provide our needs, too. Thank you
for this food that we now eat.


15 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 15

Energizing God,
Our bodies are eager for this food.
Thank you for it, and for the nourishment it gives us.


14 October, 2009


October 14

Gracious God,
We shall eat and be satisfied for you have been kind to us.
We thank you and praise your name.


13 October, 2009

Grace continues

October 13

Awesome God,
Thank you for this time that we can enjoy a meal together.
As we share our words and thoughts we pray that what we say
will be pleasing to you. Increase our love for each other and for you.


12 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 12

Dear God,
For food and drink that satisfies
us day and night and in between;
for lovely earth and spacious skies
that all around us can be seen;
for your dear son who did his part
that everyone might know your love;
we thank you, God, with all our heart
for all your gifts sent from above.


10 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 10

Dear God,
Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the world
had enough food to eat? May we be willing to
sacrifice some of our extras and give generously
so that others can have food every day. Thank you
for blessing us, Lord, so that we can be a blessing to others.


09 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 9

We love you, Lord, and thank you for
this food we soon will eat.
Your gracious love from up above
makes living life so sweet.


08 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 8

Holy God,
Because of your great love we have been given life.
Because of your abundant blessings we continue to live.
Because of our faith we have the promise of eternal life.
We praise you for all you do and give.


07 October, 2009

Unending Grace

October 7

Gracious Father,
As your blessings fill our lives so may your love
fill us and overflow to those around us.
Thank you for this food.
Bless it and those that have prepared it.


06 October, 2009


October 6

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for your loving care.
Be with us as this meal we share.
May your love be known everywhere.


05 October, 2009

October 5

Just as simple foods are often more satisfying
than gourmet delicacies, so may we desire
the simple joys of life more than fancy luxuries
that many times leave us empty and wanting more.
Bless this simple meal that will fill us and satisfy our needs.


04 October, 2009

October 4

Loving God,
We praise you for your goodness to us.
You created the earth with many things
for us to eat. You care for us through
family and friends. Bless this food,
and all those here who share it.


02 October, 2009


October 2

Creator God,
You have made us and we are yours. You care
for us and feed us as a shepherd cares for his sheep.
We praise your name and ask that you bless this food
we are about to eat.


01 October, 2009


October 1

Rich God,
If we have food in the fridge, a roof over our heads,
and clothes in the closet, we are better off
than many people in the world. May we be content
with what we have. And may we not put our hope in
wealth but in you, who provides us with everything
for our enjoyment, including this food.
