31 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 31

God of all time,
As another year ends we thank you for all that we have
experienced this year. We thank you for being with us
through the good and the bad. We trust that you will guide us in
the new year ahead just as you have guided us in the past.
Thank you for always providing our needs. Bless this food
that it may strengthen us to serve you as best as we are able.


30 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 30

Our gracious God, we bow our heads
to thank you for our daily bread,
as well as all the gifts we see
around us that have come from thee.


29 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 29

Dear Lord,
Thank you for blessing us and keeping us. Thank you
for being gracious to us and granting us peace. Thank you
for providing our needs each day and
loving us beyond compare.


28 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 28

God of light,
As brightly as the sun shines at noon,
so may your love shine in the way we live our lives.
Thank you for your blessings given so freely.
Bless this meal as our bodies are nourished to serve you.


27 December, 2009


December 27

Dear God,
You've given us the land and seas;
we can't just use them as we please,
for if we are not careful, Lord,
we'll use them till they are no more.
So help us not to waste, while living,
all the good things we've been given,
including what is on this table.
Please bless it, God, as you are able.


26 December, 2009


December 26

Unchanging God,
We are blessed to live in a country where
we have much. Give us hearts of love, that
we may share with those who have little.
For this food, and for this time to share it
together, we thank you.


25 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 25

God of new births,
In the birth of Jesus you have come to us
and given us the greatest gift we could know-
the gift of yourself among mankind. May we show
our thanks for that gift by following the example
Jesus gave of how to live. For all of our abundance,
including this meal, we thank you. In the laughter
and words we share may we feel the presence
of the newborn baby among us. In his name we pray,


24 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 24

God of all gifts,
We wait with excitement on this holy night to hear that
Jesus is born. May we be more excited to receive the
gift of love he brings than we are to open the packages
we will receive. Bless this meal. Bless those that have given
of themselves to prepare it for us. Open our hearts to
make room for the Christ Child, in whose name we pray.


23 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 23

Renewing God,

As this food restores our strength, may your grace
revive our souls. As this drink flows down our throats,
may your peace flow through every fiber of our being.
And may our love for you increase within us
and be made known to others in all that we do.


22 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 22

Can be sung to the tune of "Twinkle, twinkle little star"

God, we thank you for this food,
and for everything you do
to make all our lives so blessed,
health and home and sleep to rest.
Bless this meal and grant us peace.
May your blessings never cease.

21 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 21

God of life,
We praise you for the joys and blessings of every day-
the love of family, the fellowship of friends, pets to
lift our spirits, food to eat and water to drink, and especially
for your love shown to us through the life of Jesus Christ.
Bless this food that it may allow us to continue living
in service to you.


20 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 20

Sovereign God,
There is no other God but you. You made us
and you give us all we need. Your love will never end.
Thank you, Father. Bless this food which we eat.


19 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 19

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for the gifts you give:
our food, our home, our health, the air
we breathe each day so we can live.


18 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 18

God of warmth,
Thank you for sheltering us in your love.
Thank you for our physical shelters that protect
us from the weather. May we act, in some small way,
to help those who have no shelter. Bless this food,
that it may warm and strengthen our bodies.


17 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 17

Gracious God,
Bless this home and all within it.
Be present with us as we share
this meal, and our lives, with each other.


16 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 16

Gracious God, we humbly bow
our heads in thanks to you
for life, for health, for daily bread,
for all are gifts from you.
Be with us as we share this meal,
and bless each person here.
Be also with our loved ones who
are scattered far or near.


15 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 15

God of love,
You bless us with far more than we deserve,
and love us no matter what we do. Thank you.
Use this food to nourish us so we may show our
love for you by loving others.


14 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 14

The earth is yours O God, and everything in it,
for you have made it.* Thank you for this food,
which comes from your earth. Thank you, too,
for all the blessings of your creation.


* See Psalm 24:1-2

13 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 13

God of all,
Thank you for this food. Thank you, also, for
those who work to bring us different foods
from other lands so that we may enjoy a pleasing variety
of all you have put on this earth. Bless them in
their work and in their lives.


12 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 12

O God, who blesses us each day
with life and love and daily food,
accept these words we offer now
to you in deepest gratitude.


11 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 11

Creator God,
The rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth,
so that the earth yields seed for the grower and
food for the eater.* Thank you for your life-giving
water and food.


* See Isaiah 55:10

10 December, 2009


December 10

O gracious God,
you give us love
and food and so much more.
And so we thank
you, and your name
we worship and adore.


09 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 9

Caring God,
Many times you provide our needs through
the actions of others. Thank you for the people
in our lives that care for us and help us.
Bless them, and bless this food that we, too,
may help others.


08 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 8

Dear God,
Thank you for this physical food to fill our bellies.
Thank you for the spiritual food we get from your word,
from the teachings of the church, from prayer,
and from the example of Jesus' life. May we hunger
and thirst for you as much as we do for food and drink.


07 December, 2009

Grace continues

December 7

Gracious God,
Cool, clear water quenches our thirst;
your love refreshes our soul.
Food to eat keeps our bodies strong.
Thank you for keeping us whole.


06 December, 2009


December 6

God of majesty,
you bless us with all we need.
Now, please bless this food
and strengthen us that we
may be a blessing to others.


05 December, 2009

04 December, 2009

Unending Grace

December 4

Dear God,
The sun, the rain, the bounty of
the earth are gifts from you.
We thank you, Lord, for everything
and pray you'll bless this food.


03 December, 2009


December 3

Gracious God, giver of all good things,
we are thankful for all that is on this table.
May we eat only enough to renew our bodies
for your service. And may we find more joy in the
spiritual nourishment that fills our minds
than we do in the food that fills our bodies.



02 December, 2009


Eternal God,
Our strength for today and our bright hope for tomorrow
come from you. Your goodness has no end. Thank you
for your unending care. Bless this food that keeps us living for today.
