31 January, 2010


January 31

We who gather here to eat
thank you, gracious God above,
for your tender mercies sweet
and your blessings given in love.


30 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 30

Living God,
Thank you for our mothers and fathers who gave us life.
Thank you for this food that keeps us living. Thank you
for Jesus who gives us eternal life. In His name we pray,


29 January, 2010

Holy grace

January 29

Loving God, we praise your name
for you are matchless in your grace.
Please bless this food, and may we feel
your holy presence in this place.


28 January, 2010

Reliable grace

January 28

Giving God,
You provided manna in the wilderness for your people
who fled Egypt. You gave meat and bread to Elijah
when he was hungry. And you have blessed us with
this food before us. Thank you, Father, for always
providing for your children.


See Exodus 16: 14-15, 31
See 1 Kings 17:2-6

27 January, 2010

Loving grace

January 27

Gracious God,
No matter what we think of you, you love us,
as a parent loves their child. Thank you for
your love, and for your constant presence.
Bless this food that will relieve our hunger.


26 January, 2010

Reliable grace

January 26

God of life,
Some days we feast, some days we don't, but
we always have enough to keep us full of life.
Thank you.
May we always trust you to provide all we need.


25 January, 2010

Reliable grace

January 25

Watchful God,
You see the sparrow when it falls;
you also hear us when we call.
You number the hairs upon our head;
you give us all our daily bread.
We thank you, Lord, and give you praise
for guiding us through all our days.


See Matthew 10:29-31

24 January, 2010


January 24

God of all blessings,
Bless this food so it may bless us with strength
to love and serve others in your name.


23 January, 2010

Generous grace

January 23

Giving God,
You have shared with us all that is yours—your love,
your Son, your creation from which this food comes.
Give us generous hearts to share what is ours
with those who have less.


22 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 22

Thank you, God, for the fruit of your creation.
Thank you, God, for your gifts to every nation.
Thank you, God, for the earth where our food grows.
Thank you, God, for the blessings you bestow.


21 January, 2010

Reliable grace

January 21

God of light,
As surely as the sun rises every morning,
so you provide all our needs. For feeding us,
for loving us, for guiding us every day,
we thank you and praise your name.


20 January, 2010

Reliable grace

January 20

God, who sustains all life,
may we not worry too much about the food we eat,
the clothes we wear, or how much money we have,
but only trust you to provide all we need. Bless this
food you have provided here for our use.


19 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 19

Dear God,
For all the food that fills our plate,
we give you thanks and celebrate.


18 January, 2010

Abundant grace

January 18

God of grace and glory,
We are blessed with more food than we need. We pray for those
who don't have enough to eat, and we give thanks for those
who do what they can to help the hungry.


17 January, 2010

Patient grace

January 17

You are so good and patient with us. We are blessed to be
called your children. Thank you for providing all our needs,
including this food to nourish us. We love you, Father.


16 January, 2010

Sharing grace

January 16

Give us, Lord, our daily bread,
and joy within our heart.
Spread your love to all the world
with us doing our part.


15 January, 2010

Rejoicing in grace

January 15

Gracious and loving God,
This is a day that you have made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.


See Psalm 118:24

14 January, 2010

Wise words of grace

January 14

For this food, O Lord, we thank you,
and for the ability to enjoy so many different tastes
we praise you. Our tongues are marvelous works
of your creation. May we use them wisely in the words we say.


13 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 13

Loving God,
Daily you feed us,
daily you lead us,
so we rejoice in your guidance and care.
Thank you for giving
our needs for living.
Thank you for blessing this food that we share.


12 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 12

God of love,
Thank you for another day of life and for
all the pleasure it gives. Thank you for
this food. May it strengthen us so we may
continue to enjoy life and all your blessings.


11 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 11

Great God,
Every good and perfect gift comes from you.
For these good gifts to fill our bellies we thank you.
Bless us to serve others in your name.


10 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 10

We praise your goodness, God, for you have filled the earth
with food for our use. We pray that you will bless this small
portion of your abundant gifts.


09 January, 2010

Grace continues

January 9

God, who made the sun and snow,
the rain and clouds and sky,
heaven above and earth below
praise your name on high.
For this food to make us strong,
we thank you from our heart.
May we never, our whole life long,
from your love depart.


08 January, 2010


January 8

Gracious God,
We have so many things for which to be thankful
that we could spend hours listing them all, but right
now we'll just say, "Thanks for this food
and for all of your blessings." We love you.


07 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 7

Merciful God,

Make us mindful of the words we share
around this table, that they may be pleasing
to you and to each other. Bless this food,
and bless our lives.


06 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 6

The Lord is great;
He fills our plate
with tasty food to eat.
We thank you Lord,
and praise you, for
your goodness can't be beat.

05 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 5

OGod, giver of all good things,
we thank you for this food.
Bless it, and bless those who have
provided and prepared it for our use.


04 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 4

Dear God,
Thank you for this day and for all the blessings you give us.
Thank you for our family and for this time that
we can share with them. Thank you for this food.
Bless it, that it may strengthen us and satisfy our needs.


03 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 3

Gracious God,
As we gather to eat this food,
may all we think and say and do
bring honor and glory and praise to you.


02 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 2

Our God in heaven, your name is holy.
My we live so that it seems like heaven is here on earth,
doing what you want us to do, just as your angels obey you.
Feed us each day and satisfy our hunger.
Forgive the wrong things we do,
as we forgive those who do wrong to us.
Keep our eyes focused on you.
Keep us safe from things that would hurt us.
You are the greatest and only king.
You have the power to do anything.
You deserve all our worship of you,
forever and ever.


01 January, 2010

Grace anew

January 1

As we begin a new year, O God, we
thank you for guiding us through years past.
Be with us in this new year, and give us peace
in the confidence that you will guide us into the
unknown future that this year holds. Bless this food.
Use it to nourish us, and help us spread your love
throughout the year to come.
