30 July, 2013

Generous Grace

Loving God,
This meal reminds us that you give to us so generously that we have more than we need. May we give generously to those who do not have enough so they, too, may have full stomachs and warm bodies. Amen.

28 July, 2013


God of hope,
The Bible nourishes our minds and helps us grow spiritually. Your gifts of food nourish our bodies and help us grow physically. Thank you for both, and for all of your blessings. Amen.

26 July, 2013

Remembering Grace

Gracious God,
We enjoy eating. Thank you for the pleasure it gives us. May we always remember, even when eating away from home, to thank you for our food. Amen.

24 July, 2013

Salt and Light

God, who calls us to be salt for the world, may our words be seasoned with grace.
Lord, who calls us to be light to the world, may this food nourish us so we may shine your love to all we meet. Amen.

See Matthew 5: 14-16

22 July, 2013

Sharing Grace

Dear Jesus,
We thank you for our food today;
bless it to our good, we pray.
We thank you for your loving care.
With others may we always share.

(Paraphrase of a prayer written by Dan Hauk, at age 10)

20 July, 2013

Nature's grace

We thank God for the sun and rain
that feeds the orchard fruit and grain.
Thank God for trees and tiny seeds
from which comes food to fill our needs.
Thank God for joys that fill our days.
To God we'll always give our praise.

13 July, 2013

Sufficient Grace

Sufficient God,
Make us neither rich nor poor, but give us only what we need. If we have too much we may forget that our blessings come from you. If we have too little we may be tempted to take what is not ours. Thank you for providing just what we need. Amen.

(Based on Proverbs 30:8-9)

11 July, 2013

Unending Grace

Dear God,
For all you give to help us live—
for fruit so sweet and corn and wheat,
the sun above, your endless love—
we give you praise for all our days.

09 July, 2013

Everywhere Grace

Great God, we bow our heads in prayer
to thank you for your loving care.
Be with us as this meal we share.
May your love be known everywhere.