31 March, 2010


March 31

Almighty God,
Your mercies are new every morning. Fill us with your Spirit,
that we may always give thanks for your blessings and serve
you willingly.


30 March, 2010

Grace continues

March 30

Thank you for this tasty food that helps our bodies grow.
Thank you for the farmers who plant the seeds and sow.
Thank you for the ones who cook and get it ready to eat.
Strengthen us to spread your love to everyone we meet.


29 March, 2010

Good Grace

March 29

Good God,
Your goodness to us is overwhelming at times.
For all your blessings and for this food
we thank you with all our heart.


28 March, 2010

Grace continues

March 28

Living God,
We thank you for this meal to nourish our bodies.
Help us to remember that we do not live by food alone
but by every word that comes from you.*

*See Deuteronomy 8:3

27 March, 2010

Generous grace

March 27

Dear God,
Thank you for the sun so bright.
Thank you for the moon at night.
Thank you for the stars above.
Thank you for the ones we love.
Thank you for this food we eat.
Thank you for your love so sweet.

26 March, 2010

Filling grace

March 26

Filling God,
Thank you for this food that will satisfy our hunger for a short while.
Thank you, too, for Jesus, the bread of heaven, who fills us with
never-ending grace. In his name we pray,

25 March, 2010

Endless grace

March 25

God of love and endless grace;
God of every tongue and race,
Bless this food before us now
as unto you we humbly bow
in praise and thanks for all you give
to bless our days and help us live.


19 March, 2010

Omnipresent Grace

March 19

Dear God,
We praise you for your loving care,
and for the blessings you bestow.
Be with us as this meal we share.
Be with us, God, wherever we go.


18 March, 2010

Eternal grace

March 18

God of all time,
Spring and summer, winter and fall—each season
brings a different assortment of foods for our pleasure.
Thank you for so many foods to satisfy our needs,
and for the changes each season brings.


17 March, 2010

Grace continues

March 17

Great God,
Bless this food we are about to eat, which comes
to us from your goodness. May we always be thankful
for what you lovingly provide.


16 March, 2010

Grateful grace

March 16

Thank you for this day, O Lord,
and thank you for your love.
Thank you for the sun and rain
that come from up above.
Thank you for our daily bread
to satisfy our need.
Give us strength to follow you
wherever you may lead.


15 March, 2010

Grace continues

March 15

Merciful God,
Our lives are filled with reminders of your blessings:
love of family and friends, the beauty of this world,
a sheltering home, our daily bread. Thank you for
all your gifts.


13 March, 2010

Abundant grace

March 13

Gracious God,
Fruits and vegetables, bread and cheese,
meat and sweet desserts that please,
all the foods that help us grow
come to us from you, we know.
So we thank you, and we pray
that we'll serve you every day.


12 March, 2010

Hunger for grace

March 12

Dear God,
When we hunger and thirst for your love you satisfy
our souls. When we hunger for food and thirst for water
you provide that also, through the help of others working
with your creation. Thank you for filling us with your love
and with this food.


11 March, 2010

Reliable grace

March 11

Reliable God,
Just as we don't have to worry about the sun rising
every morning, so we don't have to worry about
you providing all our needs. Thank you for your
constant love and care. Please bless this food
and restore our bodies with it.


10 March, 2010

Relaxing Grace

March 10

God of peace,
Thank you for this time, short as it may be, to
slow our lives down a little. As often as we need
to eat we also need to relax and think about where
our blessings come from. Fill us with your love as we
fill our bodies with this food you have provided.


09 March, 2010

Abundant grace

March 9

For all the good things that you give
each and every day we live;
for loving us with tender care
and blessing us beyond compare;
for cozy homes and families sweet;
for all the tasty things we eat;
for all these things and much more, too,
we give our thanks, oh God, to you.


08 March, 2010

Unending Grace

March 8

Gracious God,
Every day is a day to rejoice simply because
you have granted us one more day of life.
Thank you for all of your blessings,
including this meal.


07 March, 2010

Working grace

March 7

Untiring God,
Every day people work hard to provide our needs
from the abundance of your creation. Bless them, Lord.
Thank you for your world and their labor which
supplied this meal for us.


06 March, 2010

Sharing grace

March 6

Dear God,
We thank you for this table spread
with your good gift of daily bread.
We thank you for this time to share
a meal with those for whom we care.
Please bless this food and may it give
us strength to serve you as we live.


05 March, 2010

Merciful grace

March 5

Merciful God,
We thank you for another opportunity to gather around
this table. Bless this food. Be with us as we share this
meal and our words. May both be pleasing.


04 March, 2010

Unending Grace

March 4

God of all,
You provide food to the raven when its young
cry out to you.* You also provide food for us and
help us when we cry out to you. Thank you for
your constant care.


* See Job 38:41

03 March, 2010

Creating grace

March 3

O God, you made the earth,
the sky, and stars above.
You gave the light its birth;
You shepherd us with love.
O God, your love is grand,
and so with joy we say:
Thank you for your hand
that feeds us every day.

02 March, 2010

Unending Grace

March 2

Good God,
As we eat may the pleasure this food gives us
remind us of your goodness. As we drink
may we be reminded of your constantly
flowing love. Bless this meal, and fill us
with your Spirit.


01 March, 2010

Grace continues

March 1

Giver of all,
This food fills our bodies to sustain our life.
Your love fills our hearts to give us joy.
Bless this food and our lives that both may
be used the way you intend.
